It might seem like along time, 8 weeks to build the set for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, but when the list of things to do is long, time just flies.
Today, as is every Saturday, tech day at FCT, 10 o’clock, there are jobs for everybody at any skill level.
Randy, Tim, Cheryl, Hank, Aaron, and Brandon along with myself began the process today. We worked mostly on the 4 small french cottages and shops that will be used in the village square scenes. Two of these units will revolve to be used as the interior of the tavern scene while the other two will be interiors of the castle, a library and a fireplace.
As always space is at a minimum, especially when you’re trying to build a castle with multiple rooms being seen and still be able to accommodate the huge production numbers like Be our Guest complete with dancing plates and champagne bottles popping their corks! Everything has to be just big enough without taking up any extra space.
So we made some good progress, with such a way to go yet, it is going to be a lot of work but it’s going to a lot of fun though and I’m sure our audiences will be impressed.
I know they don’t look like much now but here are a few pics from our efforts.
Whith Cheryl advising, Tim adjusts a caster on a set piece
With more advise from Cheryl, Tim studies what will be the tavern interior

Aaron and Brandon work on building a wall section

…and now, On With the Show !

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About Mitchell Antesky

Also known as the "Crazy Bald Guy", Mitch has filled many different roles at FCT and other area theatres, including (deep breath) president, chairman, propmaster, tech director, set designer, set dresser, actor, and director...but not all at once. He is active at Genoa Civic Theatre, Bellevue Society for the Arts, and frequently collaborates with Oak Harbor High School as a designer and technical consultant.