Fall is here and so am I….WOW, so much has happened since the last time I wrote, I have lots of catching up to do!! First off, …
Something’s Afoot has been cast, is well into rehearsals and the cast and crew are working hard to open the 53 RD season with a hilarious murder mystery musical. If you’ve never seen this show, it is one of the best shows that nobody ever does, why? maybe because it’s a tough show filled with special effects but nothing the cracker jack team of Hank, John and Tim can’t handle. While Linda has been tickling the ivories as beautifully as always to help the many songs and dances come to life. This show could best be describe as pure entertainment, I know that sounds rather cliche but I am very serious when I say that this show is packed from start to finish with zany characters, lots of doors, fun songs, inspired dances and a clever plot I can’t give too much of away since it is a mystery so you will just have to make your reservations early to see it and remember all FCT productions now only run for 6 performances over 2 weekends, please keep that in mind and pass the word as we wouldn’t want anyone to be disappointed and miss out on getting a chance to see a performance.
Elsewhere around the theatre, Sue and myself have made some progress in the costume/prop loft to try to find the bottom of it, although there is still some ways to go, several visitors upstairs so far have been quite impressed, as I have said for sometime.. work continues….and
work has started on “The Green Room Project” Jim has ripped out some of the old and ugly multi styled wall sections, new construction has gone up and uniform and attractive drywall is headed in this weekend! We have the FC Teen Theatre to thank again for their gift of the monies that will be used to transform the once, well how should i say it nicely…. no , no nice about it.. it was one ugly dressing room!!! There is still a long wish list of things to do in there but one step at a time for now!
It’s going to be a very busy few weeks around FCT so if you get the chance stop on by and I can put you to work!! or swing by and watch a few minutes of rehearsal..
…and now, On With the Show !
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About Mitchell Antesky

Also known as the "Crazy Bald Guy", Mitch has filled many different roles at FCT and other area theatres, including (deep breath) president, chairman, propmaster, tech director, set designer, set dresser, actor, and director...but not all at once. He is active at Genoa Civic Theatre, Bellevue Society for the Arts, and frequently collaborates with Oak Harbor High School as a designer and technical consultant.