Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat

Cast List for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Narrators: Jennifer Smith and Leslie Childers
Joseph: Brian Bryant
Jacob: Mike Kelly
The Brothers
Reuben: Mike Amos
Simeon: Phillip Wylykanowitz
Levi: Doug Bryant
Judah: Brandon Hord
Dan: Jim Posey
Naphtali: Timothy Button
Gad: Trevor Rhyans
Asher: Aaron Brown
Issachar: Aaron Conley
Zebulon: Adam Shanoman
Benjamin: Jared Bradley
Potiphar: Doug Bryant
Mrs. Potiphar: Amy Reeves
The Baker: Phillip Wylykanowitz
The Butler: Brandon Hord
The Pharaoh: Adam Shanoman

Wives and Women’s Chorus
Sara Aichholz Atlee Everhart
Savannah Hetrick
Alycia Lenke Amelia Purk Amy Reeves
Sarah Stamm Shelby Thornhill Allie Schmidt
Rachel Zamora

The Young People’s Choir
Seth Brickner Daphne Holland
Eden Sheidler Jackson Smith
Quincy Smith Reagan Smith
Ellis Wylykanowitz Jacob Wylykanowitz
Samantha Young